Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Program Goals and Philosophy

Our goal at Bryant Academy is to promote an atmosphere where students feel good about learning. We respect our students and encourage them to respect themselves and their surroundings. This concept is woven into our curriculum as well, thereby teaching students about the role of humanity and the interconnectedness of environmental ecology.

The goal of our dynamic and personalized real world educational philosophy is to prepare students to become successful, contributing members of our local and global communities, while engaging in the process of setting and achieving attainable academic, personal, civic and career objectives. In this way, Bryant Academy begins with transition goal-setting in order to achieve postsecondary objectives. Our Executive Director meets with each and every student within 1 week of their arrival for a planning interview, in order to begin the process of setting goals for future planning. This starts the process of recording all students’ educational goals. In the classroom, we follow-up on this initial interview by helping students to establish individualized and personalized learning plans. These plans are based upon previous academic and emotional/social records and testing, transcripts and students’ learning styles, multiple intelligences as well as any narrative and oral records of previous learning experiences.

As educators, we teach students the critical thinking skills needed to secure comprehensive and vital career resources, designed to transition them into the world of work, post-secondary education or continued internships. In order to develop their academic, social and emotional strengths as well as an understanding and appreciation for their unique contribution to society, a student must be free to inquire about their environment knowing that they will be assisted in attaining answers to their questions. Bryant Academy starts with the end in mind (backwards planning design) in administering a battery of comprehensive baseline assessments for progress monitoring and electronic portfolios formative assessments, which include:

  1. A Leisure Assessment
  2. CHOICES or other career interest inventor
  3. A clearly written and comprehensive personalized learning plan and individual learning goals contract.
  4. A Parent contract
  5. Pre- and post-testing placement tests for core academic classes as well as NEWA testing 3-4x’s a year and NECAP testing, as appropriate.
  6. Multiple Intelligence and Learning Styles Inventories for all students.